Why You Should Make a Will

Without a Will, You Risk:

  • Your chosen beneficiaries missing out on their inheritance.
  • Your spouse/civil partner not automatically inheriting everything.
  • ‘Common law’ partners receiving nothing.
  • Minor children potentially being placed in care while guardianship is decided.
  • Lengthy legal delays and family disputes.
  • Certain family members benefiting against your wishes.
  • Being unable to leave money to friends, colleagues, or charities.

Every day, someone somewhere passes away without a Will—don’t let this be you.

It’s never too early, but often too late!

Why You Should Make a Will


Many people put off making a Will, often until it’s too late. This can create significant problems for loved ones left behind. Without a Will, your inheritance may not go to the right people—or worse, it could end up with the state.

Creating a Will ensures that your estate is distributed exactly as you wish, avoiding unnecessary disputes and providing peace of mind.

If You Don’t Have a Will…

Without a valid Will, the government dictates how your estate is distributed. This could mean:
💬 To my family – I leave you months (or years) of financial hardship while you sort out my affairs.
💬 To my spouse/partner – I leave you some, but not necessarily all, of what I own.
💬 To my children – You may have to sell assets (including the family home) to receive your inheritance.
💬 To social services – If my children are orphaned, they will decide who looks after them.
💬 To the taxman – I leave you all the tax I could have legally avoided.
💬 To my bank and solicitor – I authorise you to charge high fees to sort out the mess I left behind.
💬 To everyone else – I leave you nothing!

Not having a Will can cause heartbreak, financial stress, and unnecessary expenses at the worst possible time.

Protecting Your Assets and Loved Ones

A Will is a great start, but you should also consider:

1. Protecting Your Children’s Inheritance

Without proper planning, your children’s inheritance could be lost due to:

  • Divorce or separation settlements.
  • Creditors or bankruptcy claims.
  • Care costs and future inheritance tax bills.

2. Protecting Your Home and Assets from Care Costs

Without action, your home and savings could be used to pay for long-term care costs. This means:

  • Your home may have to be sold.
  • Your savings and investments could disappear.
  • Your income could be taken to cover care expenses.
  • Your family may lose their entire inheritance.

3. Protecting a Family Business

Without a proper business succession plan:

  • Your family may not inherit your share of the business.
  • Business partners may struggle to buy out your share.
  • The value of the business could decline.
  • Your spouse or children may be forced to run the business.
  • The business may have to be sold and become liable for inheritance tax.

Do You Need a Will? Ask Yourself These Questions:

✔️ Do your assets (including insurance policies) exceed £325,000?
✔️ Do you have family members you want to exclude from inheriting?
✔️ Are you concerned about divorce affecting family assets?
✔️ Have you left money to minors who need a trusted family member to manage it?
✔️ Do you have a loved one receiving disability or state benefits?
✔️ Are you worried your home could be lost to care costs?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these, now is the time to act.

Contact us today to get started!

Lasting Power of Attorney revamp to improve safety and efficiency

The government has unveiled it's plans to modernise and strengthen the Lasting Power of Attorney (“LPA”) process, by which a person can appoint attorneys to manage their affairs in the event that they lose capacity, following last year’s consultation on modernising the system.


Power of attorney agreements allow families to make crucial financial or medical decisions on behalf of vulnerable or elderly relatives who are no longer able to do so themselves.  They have become increasingly common as the population ages and mentally degenerative diseases such as dementia become more prevalent.

In a digital overhaul of the 30-year-old paper system, the Ministry of Justice said applying for the legal documents will become quicker and easier.

A summary of the major reforms will be:
  • New safeguards to protect against fraud and abuse
  • Process to be made simpler, quicker and easy to use
  • New digital service to reduce application errors and speed up registrations

Increased safeguards

Plans to strengthen safeguards to protect vulnerable individuals from abuse or fraud include new identification checks requiring official documents or information, for example a passport, driving licence or Government Gateway account. The Office of the Public Guardian (“OPG”) does not have face-to-face contact with the parties to an LPA and the plan is therefore to take advantage of technology to digitally verify identities.


Appropriate alternative safeguards will remain in place for those who cannot or choose not to use digital routes (please see further exploration of this below).

New online service

The new system will make it possible to create an LPA completely online for the first time, bringing the system up to date which, given that the current process of making an LPA still is now over 30 years old and has many paper-based requirements, is much needed.


The paper system for LPAs will remain in place following the Law Society’s submission to the consultation which said that many vulnerable people, for example those with a brain injury, degenerative cognitive condition or learning difficulties may need to still rely on the paper process. The submission also flagged that five million people over the age of 55 do not have access to the internet, and it is important that the paper channel has been retained to avoid negatively impacting vulnerable, disabled or older people.

Digitisation of the system will not only help reduce errors in LPA documentation by ensuring these are picked up and resolved early in the process, but will also drastically improve the OPG’s carbon efficiency and sustainability (The OPG still handles more than 19 million pieces of paper per year).


The proposals are a reflection of the need to carefully balance modernisation in an ever developing digital world, with safeguarding the rights of vulnerable people and protecting those who have lost capacity to manage their affairs and have been developed with the help of various stakeholders including representatives from the Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK, the Law Society, STEP and Mencap.

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Why You Should Make a Will

A lasting power of attorney (LPA) puts plans in place should you become incapable of managing your affairs or lose mental capacity during your lifetime.  LPAs are time-critical documents and you must have mental capacity when arranging one.


Drawing up a Lasting Power of Attorney now means  that you still have control over your affairs when you need it most - in the future.

Appointing an Attorney 

When you make an LPA, you can select someone or multiple people whom you want to make decisions on your behalf for when you do not have the mental capacity to make decisions for yourself in the future.  These people are known as your attorneys. Your attorneys must be over the age of 18 and have the mental capacity to make decisions.  It is important that you choose people whom you trust explicitly to make decisions for you. 


If you chose more that one attorney, you must specify whether your would like them to work together and agree unanimously on every decision, or whether you are content for them to make decisions individually.  You can specify any decisions that you would like to be made unanimously.

What is the role of the Attorney ?

The person you appoint as your Attorney will have the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf should you lose your mental capacity or you feel that you do not want to make personal decisions anymore. They will have access to your bank/building society accounts, manage your property affairs and sign for decisions around finances, medical and ongoing care. The Attorney has a duty of care to you and your financial accounts must be kept separate from theirs. All financial dealings must be recorded.

Types of LPA

There are two types of LPA: one to cover your health and welfare decisions, and another separate document to deal with your property and finances.


A Health and welfare LPA can only be used by your attorney(s) should you lose mental capacity. The LPA can cover decisions such as where you live, who you see, what you eat and what medical treatment you receive. It can even go as far as authorising your attorney to consent to or refuse life sustaining treatment on your behalf if you choose to give them this authority.


The Property and Finance LPA covers matters such as the sale of your house and the use of your bank account(s) or investments. You can word the LPA so that it takes effect on registration and can then be used by your attorneys from that point onwards, even if you still have capacity to make decisions for yourself. This can be useful in certain circumstances and is something we would discuss with you when taking your instructions.

What happens if I lose capacity without an LPA in place?

If you don’t have an LPA (or an EPA pre-2007) in place and you lose capacity, you will have to apply to the Court of Protection who will make an order about decisions on your finances, health or care, or appoint a deputy to act on your behalf. It is far safer, to appoint someone you trust while you still can.

Making an Application

When making an application, you are given the opportunity to specify what you would like your attorneys to do and what they must do when making decisions. There is an important distinction between the two and it is important that you make your wishes clear.

There are a set forms that must be completed and sent to the Office of the Public Guardian with a fee to create an LPA. Once sent, the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) typically take around four months to check they are satisfied with the forms and to register the LPA. Sealed copies will then be issued by the OPG. These are extremely important documents that should be stored safely. Your attorneys can then use them as proof of their authority to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so.


Speaking with a professional can be helpful in advising you about instructions and preferences and ensuring that your wishes will be understood by your attorneys in the future and are allowed under the guidance from the Office of the Public Guardian.



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